Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Stranger

It (*) was standing alone, shouting like a crazy man
holding a sword
Fighting enemies that chain it
And making of their chains a shield to hide behind

To shield itself from hits
From wars
& from the challenges of life

As a stranger you came..
You fought my shields
My craziness
& my selfishness..

I was shocked..
Brought back to earth
Invited to a challenge
A challenge of rising from my sleep
of breathing your air
of taming my heart..

As a stranger I am to you
Lonely and mysterious
Awesome & crazy

I was afraid to step on your grounds
To know your game rules
To see the heart behind your smiles..

You invited it to take this challenge
A challenge in which it will aside all its weapons
Discover a new ground
That is neither mine nor yours..

(*) It; refers to my heart

Written those words, just a few days before 20.1.2005; when i said my first yes to my stranger..


Anonymous said...

يا للهول أنها تدوينه أخري بالأنغليزيه :) أنا باهزر
جميله لكنها توحي بالغموض توحي بأنه لازالت هناك مساحات غير مستكشفه في هذا الفارس و تعطي أحساس بالسعاده لأن بعض المساحات التي تم اكتشافها بالفعل وجدتيها جميله

Desert Rose said...

هى فعلا كده، بارغم انى كتبت ده من سنتين ، عندما تعرفت عليه(و هو زوجى حاليا)،و لكنك تتعرف على شىء جديد فى الانسان كل يوم..

Anonymous said...

very nice
I really like the way your way of expressing yourself

Desert Rose said...

You were the first one to help me to express myself..
Thank You:)