Monday, November 13, 2006

مدينة الشمس

hlee óppəliss

لم اسال نفسى من قبل لماذا احبها
ما السر وراء احساسى بهذا المكان؛هليوبوليس؛ مدينة الشمس..

ربما لاننى احب شوارعها
ربما لان لى بها ذكريات جميلة

اشياء كثيرة فكرت بها:
مدرستي .. ربما
بيتنا.. ربما
اصدقائى.. ربما
مكان ان ولدت
مكان ان تعلمت الصلاة لاول مرة.. ربما

لا اعلم.. لا اجد اجابة
ولا اريد ان اجد اجابة

فاذا عرفت ما هو الاحساس بـ"الوطن"
عرفت احساسي بمدينتى..
مدينة الشمس


Randomly said...

أشاركك إحساسك هذا فيما يتعلق بمدينة الشمس، أكن لها إحساس بالألفةو الدفء

Anonymous said...

I share the same feeling of warmth and belonging to Heliopolis. I always think of those who live there, they resemble us. And those who built it a long time ago, I think they put their spirits there. I work downtown, though I love it as well but when I approach Heliopolis, I feel I'm more at Ease and at Home.
Your friend.

Desert Rose said...

Egiziana & Annonymous..
I'm glad you share the feeling with me..
Yes i feel people resemble us, and that we all have a common spirit..

I was lucky enough that i worked in heliopolis the last 3 years, bside living in it my life time, also my school is here..

but i feel in pain for i have to leave it soon :(

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!